New Book Marketing App Launches

Posted by on Nov 2, 2015 in AdWords, Book Marketing, Book Promotion | 0 comments

Authors now have an easy way to create their book platform. Instead of authors going cross-eyed over what to put in their platform, we can now say “there’s an app for that”.

Book PlatformBook Platform Defined

A book platform documents a forum and following for a book in its first year of life. It’s a marketing plan that shows where a book’s readers are coming from, a useful device for attracting literary agents and publishers.

DIY Book Platform

DIY Book Platform is a web-based app that guides authors of multiple genres & publishing tracks to create a unique platform for their upcoming release.

Sections in the app include market analysis, reviews, audience, media, social networking, events, and competitions. Each section is color coded to help users keep their place as they navigate through the tool, answering multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. Most questions include notes to help the author understand publishing terminology and book marketing concepts. For example, one note helps authors determine their standardized subgenre.

At the end of the Q&A sequence in the app, the user can save and print out their book platform, which they can then use to attract an agent or acquire a publisher.

Authors intending to do their own book marketing can execute the platform themselves.

DIY Book Platform was a year and a half in development and especially created for debut authors. It was the brainchild of a book publicist seeking a way to help writers who could not afford her. The user interface is patterned after Oprah’s new website.

Where to Buy

A 45-day pass is available from the DIY Book Platform web or mobile site for $99.

For Further Information

Book Platform