When building your online book marketing strategy, one of the most important marketing actives to do is to get book reviews for your book. Reviews are important since they provide social proof to potential readers that your book is worth their time and investment. Here are a number of websites that provide book review services.
Amazon Book Reviewers
Book Review Broker: http://bookreviewbroker.com/
- This one submits the book to top Amazon reviewers.
Generate Immediate Exposure for Your Book
Book Daily: http://www.bookdaily.com/authorsignup
- Sign up at Book Daily. You can submit a chapter of your book which they send to their mailing list of potential readers of your book.
Book Review Sites
Kirkus Reviews: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/
Foreword Reviews: https://publishers.forewordreviews.com/reviews/
Indie Reader: http://indiereader.com/authorservices/service-sample/
Word Slinger Publicity: http://bookreviewrequest.com/services/
Midwest Book Review: http://www.midwestbookreview.com/
Pacific Book Review: http://www.pacificbookreview.com/
Reader Reviews: http://readerviews.com/submissions.html
Online Book Club: http://onlinebookclub.org/review-requests/
Book Reporter: http://www.bookreporter.com/book-submission-inquiry
Kindle Obsessed: http://www.kindleobsessed.com/review-request/
Book Ideas: http://www.bookideas.com/about/rapidreview.cfm
Blue Ink Review: http://www.blueinkreview.com/
Indie Book Reviewers: http://indiebookreviewers.blogspot.com/
Your First Review: http://yourfirstreview.com/
Red Adept Reviews: http://redadeptreviews.com/submission-guidelines/